Transfer Information + Transcript Analyst Transfer Credit Policy
Emporia State University awards transfer credit according to the guidelines discussed here. The university reserves the right to accept or reject credits earned at other institutions of higher education. Work taken at other accredited two-year and four-year colleges may have it transferred to ESU by requesting that the previous college send an official transcript of the work taken to the ESU Office of Admissions. All transferrable credits are listed on the Emporia State University transcript and the transfer GPA become part of the overall cumulative GPA.
- Only passing grades are accepted for credit. All grades, including failing grades, are used in determining the student's grade-point average with the exception of the grades of P (pass) and S (satisfactory). Students who transfer in "F" or "D" grades for courses whose equivalents at ESU are not comparable in credit hours, may select one of the following options: (1) The student may choose to let the remaining hour(s) of poor grade stand as is; (2) The student may choose to take an additional course to improve the grade in those remaining hour(s).
- Students who have a minimum of a 2.0 (C) cumulative grade-point average for all previous credits earned at other two-year and four-year colleges will be admitted unconditionally.
- Students who transfer from two-year colleges must take at least 60 hours of work at a four-year college, 30 of which must be at ESU, to receive a bachelor's degree.
Student Transfer Appeal Process
A student may appeal how a course from another institution transferred for credit toward General Education by requesting a re-evaluation. The student must provide a syllabus of the course to the Registrar, who will forward it to the chair of the appropriate department. The recommendation of the chair shall be forwarded to the General Education committee, which shall make a determination on the transferability of the course. The decision of the committee shall be final.
Students should address any further questions about the appeals process to the Registrar’s Office.
Restrictions on Transfer Credit
- Community College Credit - Although all transferrable credits from two-year colleges may be used to meet graduation requirements, the student must complete at least 60 hours of course work from four-year colleges including a minimum of 30 hours from Emporia State.
- Beginning Spring 2002, Emporia State University will accept lower division courses (those numbered 100 and 200) in transfer from other colleges or universities as the equivalent for our upper division courses, but the student will not receive upper division credit for these courses. The student will not have to repeat the courses, but the credit will transfer in as lower division credit.
- Correspondence Study and Extension Class Credit - Nor more than one-fourth of the credit needed for a degree may be extension credit and correspondence credit combined. Furthermore, students may not repeat courses by extension or correspondence to raise the grade received in a course previously taken in residence.
- Military Credit - General elective credit is allowed in the amount of one credit per six months of active duty for a maximum of eight credits. Credit may be allowed for certain service schools completed. The equivalent of 30 semester hours is the maximum of credit allowed for military service. Students who desire to receive military credit should submit a DD214 form or its equivalent to the Office of the Registrar. Credit will not be awarded until after the student has officially enrolled.
- Physical Education - No more than 8 semester hours will be allowed toward the 120 semester hours required for a degree.
- Courses Receiving No Credit - Emporia State University reserves the right to deny credit for courses that are not comparable with those offered in its baccalaureate degree programs. Examples include the following:
- Courses below college level (usually numbered below 100).
- Repeated courses or courses with duplicate subject content.
- Course work earned at an institution that did not hold at least candidacy status with its regional accrediting association when the course work was taken.
- Mathematics courses considered below college level, including beginning and intermediate algebra and most basic math courses.
- Courses offered for non-credit continuing education units.
- Remedial English courses that are preparatory to an institution's first First-Year Composition course.
- Non-academic vocational-technical courses.
Class Standing
A student's class standing is determined by the total number of transfer credits awarded by Emporia State University, not by the number of years of college study or the completion of an associate degree.
For students interested in earning college credit for previously acquired knowledge, ESU provides a mechanism by which a student can decrease the time needed to complete a degree. An enrolled student, or a prospective student who subsequently enrolls, is permitted to earn university credits in a variety of ways. These means permit a high degree of quality control. Among them are: credit by examination and/or advanced placement as determined by CLEP tests, CEEB tests, or department-developed tests; military service credit, Cambridge examinations, other approved external examinations and independent study or research problems credit. Total credit earned by means of examination may not exceed 30 of the 120 required for graduation. For information contact Sheila Markowitz at or call at 620-341-5152.