Stage 1: Play the Main Story
Before you begin, there are some very important notes in the Tips & Strategies which are STRONGLY recommended that you read over before starting this game. Keeping these notes in mind throughout the entirety of your playthrough will GREATLY reduce some of the post-game grinding.
With that said, there are NO MISSABLE TROPHIES in this game, so feel free to play at your own leisure while going through the main story. While playing through the campaign, you'll be introduced to the mechanics of the game while slowly opening the world up to explore. You will find that, even going through the main story, this game can be rather difficult. Luckily, like any good RPG, there is nothing insurmountable that can't be overcome with some serious grinding (and you will be doing a lot of grinding if you're going for the platinum). Most of the trophies you will acquire during this section of the game are par for the course. Almost all of them will come naturally as you play, even if you're not actively trying to achieve them.
Cleared Chapter One
Cleared Chapter Two
Cleared Chapter Three
Prosperity at level 1
Prosperity at level 50
Prosperity at level 100
Acquired over 100,000 bits
Finished a battle with no damage
Inflicted 1,000 damage in one attack
First king-sized foe defeated
First training mistake
First Colosseum victory
First Tamer level
First Partner Digimon reborn as DigiEgg
First camp
First training
First time fleeing from a fight
First fish caught
First materials acquired
First food ingredient item picked up
First Digivolution to Rookie
First Digivolution to Champion
First Digivolution to Ultimate
First Digivolution to Mega
Partner reached age 20
Maximum value for DigiFriend
Maximum value for Bond
Raised 50 types of Digimon
First DNA Digivolution
Won 300 battles
All skills for Partner Digimon at 1,000
Inflicted 9,999 damage in one attack
Cleared Chapter Four
Stage 2: Post-Game Content
Once you beat the main story, you will open up a whole new world of content. This game's post-game content is where the majority of your time will be spent. It is meatier than the main story and there is a lot of new things will become available, such as the second half of your city's recruitable Digimon, more Colosseum matches, the extra dungeons in the Dimensional District, Ex-Scenarios, and more! Everything here you'll likely complete/ want to have completed before you enter Stage 3 where the grindiest of grindy trophies remain.
Defeated Armageddemon
Acquired over 1,000,000 bits
Won all Colosseum competitions
Cleared all extra dungeons
Maxed out city's Prosperity
Stage 3: Clean-Up
This is where the majority of your grind will come into play. A lot of these trophies are possible during Stage 2 of your trophy hunt, but can be tedious to earn. Once you've done all there is to do and grind out the last few trophies on this list, the platinum will be yours!
Acquired all trophies
Acquired over 1,000,000 bits
Maxed out grades on all facilities as builder
Completed DigiCards
Partner reborn as DigiEgg 20 times
Raised 200 types of Digimon
Maxed out Tamer level
Tips & Strategies
Before you begin your journey into the Digital World, it would highly benefit you to glance over this guide as there are several trophies that will require an extensive amount of time and preparation. There are also a few key things you'll want to understand that will make your overall experience an easier and more enjoyable one. The game is not very clear about certain aspects and is heavily centered around trial and error. It is also recommended you plan your whole experience around playing on EASY MODE , seeing as the only thing it really affects is how hard it is to train your Digimon and how quickly your Digimon will expire.
Digimon Stats
- Your Digimon have 6 stats that you will need to keep track of when training. HP is self explanatory, as it is the amount of Hit Points your Digimon have.
- MP are your Mana Points, which are used to attack in battle. They regenerate over time but very, very slowly.
- STR is your Digimon's strength and determines their attack power plus the attack power of the moves they use in battle.
- STA is their stamina and their primary defensive stat. The higher the stat, the greater the damage reduction they sustain from being attacked.
- WIS, or wisdom, serves two functions. The higher the wisdom, the less MP will be drained from using attack skills. It also determines the critical hit ratio of your Digimon.
- Finally, SPD, or speed, indicates how frequently your Digimon attacks and how quickly they can set up their attack to hit.
Digimon Training
- Digimon can be trained in two different ways: The Training Gym and battling. The gym is going to be your best place for training in the early stages of the game, however, your returns on training significantly decrease by the time your partners are in their Ultimate and Mega forms. Battling gives you less stats, but the in-game time is paused, allowing you to get more out of training your Digimon per day.
- Do NOT ignore your Digimon's diet, as it is essential in getting the most out of your partners during their life cycles. Certain foods can increase the training returns in the gym over a certain period of time, while other foods can give your partners a static permanent buff to their stats. The Restaurant is a great late game asset to have, though you will want to keep a close eye on how much money you have when aiming to give your Digimon the best possible food to train up their skills.
Digimon Rebirth
- When your Digimon die, they are reborn as a DigiEgg. When they're reborn, a percentage of their stats will carry over. This is heavily determined by your Tamer skill. As you progress through the game, your Digimon will die and be reborn stronger than they were when you first got them before.
- That being said, losing battles or sustaining too much damage can result in decreasing the Life of your partners.
- The game will let you know if a DigiEgg will give you a priority inheritance stat. These prioritized stats vary from each egg, though you will know which stat is prioritized before choosing the egg. These prioritized stats will be significantly higher at the start from any other stats the Digimon will start out with.
Digimon Caring
- Pay attention to your Digimon's needs and give them the best quality of life you can every single time. They will need to eat regularly, use the toilet regularly (unless they're Mega form or higher), they will need to rest when tired, and sleep when sleepy. They can also become injured or sick and will need to be treated with Bandages, Medicine, or a trip to the Hospital once unlocked in the city.
- Certain Digivolutions require training mistakes as part of their requirement. These are tracked in your Digimon's stat menu as TF (Training Failures). Things like neglecting to feed them, make them poop on the ground, over training them when tired, and refusing to let them sleep count towards training mistakes.
Bonding/Happiness & Discipline
- Improving your bond with your Digimon, as well as their friendship with each other, is a crucial part of the game. They are determined by your personal interactions, such as praising and scolding, as well as the food you give them. Having your bond and friendship maxed out will allow your Digimon access to powerful EXE Cross Digivolution forms once they've reached their Mega levels. Having access to this ability can be crucial for certain difficult fights throughout the game.
- Your Digimon's happiness is very important, as it can directly affect your bond with them and determine their overall quality of life. Happier Digimon live longer, so to speak. While improving your Digimon's discipline is important in improving their combat prowess and obedience, focusing too heavily on it can be detrimental to your Digimon's life. It is a good idea to maintain a healthy balance of both through training, diet, and caring.
| Digimon World Conqueror! Acquired all trophies | 4.89%
| ![Platinum]( |
| Chapter One Cleared! Cleared Chapter One | 39.22%
| ![Bronze]( |
Play through the main story. Chapter One concludes after the second Machindramon boss fight in Server Desert - Stepstep.
A Few Tips Before Battle:
- Have both partners no lower than their Ultimate forms.
- Train all of your partner's stats to 800 or higher. Focus on STR and STA stats to maximize damage and defense.
- Learn the Tamer skill under Order Type: Second Order and Defense Order. This will give your Digimon access to a second attack as well as a Defense order command during combat.
- If possible, have your Digimon tamer bonds and DigiFriend maxed. This will give you access to the powerful EXE Cross-Digivolution.
- Have a healthy stock of Recovery Discs, MP Discs, and Regen Discs.
Useful Tip For All In-Game Boss Fights : Like with most difficult battles, save your Order Power during combat. Both Machinedramon encounters have very powerful attacks that have the potential to one-hit kill a single partner if you're not prepared. When you see a purple aura around the boss, use the Defend order command immediately. This will help mitigate the blow. Otherwise, aim to use the EXE signature moves of your Digimon. This combined special attack will do massive damage and will be crucial for bringing down the boss (as well as most bosses) efficiently.
| Chapter Two Cleared! Cleared Chapter Two | 28.18%
| ![Bronze]( |
Play through the main story. Chapter Two concludes after the Titanmon boss fight inside the Server Tower - Server Tower Interior.
A Few Tips Before Battle:
- This is a very difficult battle at this stage in the game. Titanmon hits hard and is extremely bulky. This is the first instance in the story where it is recommended to use attack and defense boosters. You can buy them off of Gargomon at the city's Item Shop.
- When the boss glows green he is about to use his strongest attack. Make sure your Order Power is saved so you can Defend.
- Both of your partners should be in their Mega forms. It is HIGHLY recommend you have their bonds maxed out so you can EXE Cross-Digivolve if an when the situation becomes dire.
- It is recommended your Digimon's stats exceed 3000 across the board to be able to hold their own against the boss.
| Chapter Three Cleared! Cleared Chapter Three | 25.69%
| ![Bronze]( |
Play through the main story. Chapter Three concludes after the Omegamon Zwart D boss fight in Bony Drive - Pink Stone House Interior.
- Due to Chapter Three being relatively short, there is not a lot of expected progress in the power of your team from the previous chapter's boss fight.
- When the boss glows purple and black, he is about to use his strongest attack. Make sure your Order Power is saved so you can Defend.
- Both of your partners should be in their Mega forms. It is HIGHLY recommend you have their bonds maxed out so you can EXE Cross-Digivolve if an when the situation becomes dire. This is going to be a far more crucial method for victory than even against Titanmon due to the speed in which the boss will tear into your partners.
- It is recommended your Digimon's stats exceed 3000 across the board to be able to hold their own against the boss.
| Armageddemon Defeated! Defeated Armageddemon | 17.41%
| ![Bronze]( |
After you beat the game, you'll enter Chapter Five, which is the post-game. This chapter does not have a definite conclusion, as it encompasses ALL post-game activities including most of the free DLC Ex-Scenarios.
However, once you start the post-game, you'll be contacted by Shoma to investigate some weird happenings. Follow the questline which will eventually lead to the unlocking of the extra dungeons in Floatia's Dimensional District. At the end of the quest, you'll fight Armageddemon. He is just as difficult as the Omegamon Alter-B encounter, so be prepared! Defeat him to complete the scenario and open the rest of the post-game up for exploration. At this point, the boss shouldn't be too much to handle since you've come this far. Refer to Chapter Four Cleared! and follow the same battle strategies there to trivialize this fight.
| First Contribution! Prosperity at level 1 | 86.41%
| ![Bronze]( |
See Revivalist! for more details.
| Town Revitalized! Prosperity at level 50 | 31.97%
| ![Bronze]( |
See Revivalist! for more details.
| Town Expanded! Prosperity at level 100 | 25.43%
| ![Bronze]( |
See Revivalist! for more details.
| Moneybags! Acquired over 100,000 bits | 26.89%
| ![Bronze]( |
See Zillionaire! for more details.
| Zillionaire! Acquired over 1,000,000 bits | 11.93%
| ![Bronze]( |
Bits are your in-game currency and are rewarded for winning battles, completing certain repeatable side quests, talking to certain Digimon once they've joined the city and you've met specific conditions, and by selling items. Due to the nature of this game, accumulating excess bits is a luxury. You will not be in any position to grind efficiently for this kind of bits until the post-game. The game counts how much money is on your person, NOT how much you've earned throughout the game.
It is also important to note that saving before major boss battles and Colosseum fights is highly recommended, as you will likely be forced to use multiple items during those battles to keep your Digimon buff and healthy. The last thing you'd want to happen is to use those items only to lose the fight and waste bits on rebuying them all over again. Best be safe and save, save, save!
Grinding for bits in the post game can be done in several different ways.
- If your team is strong enough, head to Bony Resort - Graveyard and enter the Night Church. There will be a BlackWereGarurumon that will yield a substantial amount of bits when defeated. Leave the Night Church and battle the three BlackGreymon (optional, but efficient if your Digimon are trained to a high enough level). Then re-enter the church to respawn the BlackWereGarurumon and repeat.
- Farm for bits in the extra dungeons of Floatia's Dimensional District. The bosses and enemies all yield a good mount of bits, and, if you've recruited Leopardmon to join the city, they will sometimes show up in one of the rooms of the extra dungeons. Speaking to them once per run of the dungeon yields 30,000 bits. If you've recruited Lilithmon, you can accumulate more bits by simply running through multiple dungeons during a single day. What they give you is based around how many dungeons you've visited (not completed) that day, which is 10,000 bits after visiting two dungeons, and an additional 10,000 bits for each visited dungeon after that.
- You can fish in MOD Cape - Flag MOD Ship area with for Digiarowana. This lucrative fish sells for 2,000 bits each.
- You can sell the Stat Boost Chips you receive in the post-game because at this point they are more valuable as bits than stat boosts to your Digimon.
Note: Do NOT sell your Digivolution items unless you have an excess number of them. See Professor of Digimon! for the reason why.
| Figured It Out! Finished a battle with no damage | 82.25%
| ![Bronze]( |
An easily obtainable trophy as you progress through the game. As your Digimon grow, they will quickly out level the early game enemies. Eventually they will be able to knock out weaker opponents in a single attack. You're almost certainly guaranteed to earn this trophy by just playing the game naturally, as you'll be in a LOT of battle while grinding for experience, bits, and items.
| Hardcore Attacker! Inflicted 1,000 damage in one attack | 60.65%
| ![Bronze]( |